While it is important to train technicians on “how to get the work done” (troubleshooting, diagnosis, repairs, time keeping), it’s also equally important to spend some time training them on how to deliver a great customer service experience.
As one expert notes “customers judge technicians by their human-relations skills as much as their ability to get the repair done.”
Now is a great time to refresh your team on the essentials of great service:
Technicians must build rapport with customers. If the customer trusts the technician, he/she will let the technician get the work done without hassles. Building trust starts with how the technician greets the customer and starts the task. The technician should start by introducing himself/herself and then asking “can you tell me about the problem you’re having?”. Taking time to connect and to listen is essential.
Take care around the customer’s property. Make sure technicians are using the right procedures to demonstrate their respect for the client’s home. Implement procedures like wearing shoe covers and a post-job clean-up checklist.
What to do when the customer is not home. Make sure your team has a solid procedure for notifying customers of missed appointments and getting the work rescheduled. With the right process, missed calls don’t need to lead to technician downtime or significant delays for the customer.
Handling complaints. Not every service visit has great outcomes. Train your team on how to recover from minor mistakes and missed opportunities. There’s often a tendency for technicians to argue with customers versus being good listeners. Be sure your crew knows the difference.
Include these and other customer-service opportunities in your spring training meetings. Remember, your Central representative can suggest additional training resources to expand your success.