Everyone has a comfort zone. So many of us as contractors will always fall back to the projects and services we feel the highest level of expertise in selling and installing. Whenever we embark on any new endeavor, the most important thing we can do is to ask the right questions to ourselves and our customers to reveal the answers …
You’re Losing Money if You Don’t Offer Drainage Services
Contractors frequently ask us how they can diversify the services they offer. Far too often, companies pigeonhole themselves into a set group of services they provide and are often unable or unwilling to tackle or implement a new service to their portfolio. “We are hardscapers” or “We are turf guys” is a mantra we hear repeatedly when interacting with contractors. …
PVC vs Corrugated Pipe: Choosing the best Conveyance for your Project
When it comes to choosing a pipe type for a drainage project, contractors tend to defer to what they are comfortable with. “We only use corrugated” or “we only use PVC” is a mantra we at Central hear over and over again. Being tied to a type of pipe is more a function of repetition than it is a function …