As we head into the summer months, people in most areas of the country are already battling the return of mosquitoes and ticks in their outdoor spaces. With over 200 different types of mosquitos in the continental U.S. it can be very hard to know which ones are just a nuisance, and which ones could cause you or your pets …
4 Fixture Slump Part Three: Advanced Lighting Techniques
In Part Two of this series “How To Expand Beyond Your Typical Four-Fixture Routine” Central’s Director of Lighting, Glen Nyhuis gave solutions for getting ahead in the lighting industry and detailed some tips on how you can expand your offerings to include second story and niche lighting. In Part Three, Central dives even deeper with Glen into the next level …
Storm Water Management – The Why and the How
The reasons for installing a drainage solution are often very simple and straightforward; you have water where you don’t want water! Central’s Category Director for Drainage, Eric Cummings, is here to walk you through the Why and the How of drainage so you can tackle these issues, creating immediate value and success on your drainage projects. WHY DRAINAGE? There are …
Boost Your Business with 6 Photography Tips
It is often said that a photo is worth a thousand words, but many contractors overlook the benefits that a photo can provide when they are busy on job sites and working behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly. If you aren’t taking some time to focus on job-related photography your business could be missing out on major opportunities …
Landscape Pest Prevention: Grubs – What, When and How?
Maybe you’ve have had a past history of grubs and other lawn insects causing damage. You may be asking yourself, “How do I properly prepare my lawn for grubs and insects this year? What is the best option for my lawn? When is the best time to apply? How do I ensure that I will have a great lawn throughout …
Central Turf and Irrigation adds Private Label Artificial Turf Program, Hudson Valley Turf and Ivy
Central Turf and Irrigation adds Private Label Artificial Turf Program, Hudson Valley Turf and Ivy Central Turf and Irrigation is pleased to announce the launch of our private label artificial turf program, Hudson Valley Turf and Ivy. The past several years have proven that artificial turf is gaining more and more traction and we are here to help you take …
Troubleshooting Common Two-Wire Problems
Common two-wire problems include zones that do not start and/or have a shorted wire path. Most of these issues are caused by a bad splice, nick or break in the wire path. Many of these issues can be avoided and even future-proofed, just by installing the right products. The #1 Rule is to only use wire and splice kits designed …
4 Tips to Capture Online Reviews + Boost Your Business
In today’s market, it is vital for a business to have a strong online presence to capitalize as many business opportunities as possible. The core foundations of your presence should be a successful website & making sure that the business is actively listed on Google My Business. After doing so, one of the best ways to help boost your presence, …
Profitability Through Sustainable Practices
Sustainability – The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level Above is the most basic definition of sustainability, but to the professional landscaper it’s so much more. Sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, all while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being. It’s …
Landscape Lighting: The Importance of Embracing and Understanding New Technology
Some people are great with change, and others take a little more time to warm up to new things. This is never truer than when learning and embracing new technology. Many people fall into the habit of just sticking with what is comfortable and familiar. However, what if you could get ahead and embrace new technologies that have the ability …