We’ve discussed the importance of having an online presence for your business in the past, ranging from social media to your website. Additionally, advertising your business digitally is also essential in order to ensure you stay ahead of your competition. Digital advertising is effective in helping your business grow since it is an online, targeted, integrated method that can help …
Ask The Expert: Subsurface & Surface Feeding Insects
It’s a common misnomer in the Green Industry when we talk about a summer lull, especially when it comes to lawn care. The chaos of the spring season is supposed to wind down and you finally get to take a breath and decompress a little. In reality, the season ahead is the most challenging but if you have a great …
Ask the Expert: What Is A Hybrid?
Ask most people this question and you’ll likely be told hybrid is a car with a traditional gas motor combined with a modern battery powered motor. In the fertilizer industry we have borrowed the term to describe blends that combine two unique sources for powering plant growth; synthetic-derived nutrients and organic-derived nutrients. You may have also heard hybrid fertilizers described …
5 Ways to Show Your Customers Appreciation
Showing customer appreciation is definitely an impactful and great method to help keep your customers happy and loyal to your business, while also ensuring your company stands out from your competitors. Why is personally thanking your customers important? Think about a time you received a gift from a company you’ve purchased a product or service from, it definitely makes you …
5 Tips for Virtual Customer Meetings & Selling
With the future still uncertain of when we will return to in-person meetings, it’s vital to ensure your business continues to adapt to alternative virtual selling methods. As you continue to conduct your conversations with customers remotely, using effective technology is more critical now than ever in order to engage fully with customers. Although it may not feel the same …
17 New Irrigation & Lighting Products for the 2022 Season
The start of the season, it’s always a good idea to evaluate the products and resources in your tool kit. That’s why our focus is to educate you on the newest technology trends across the industry, so that your jobs are more profitable. Below are some of the most advanced and user-friendly products this season. Irrigation Toro Tempus DC Controller: …
14 New Irrigation & Lighting Products for the 2021 Season
The start of the season, it’s always a good idea to evaluate the products and resources in your tool kit. That’s why our focus is to educate you on the newest technology trends across the industry, so that your jobs are more profitable. Below are some of the most advanced and user-friendly products this season. HUNTER 1. EZ-DT Diagnostic Tool: …
10 Operations & Business Resources for the 2021 Season
Whether it’s making your daily operations run smoother, troubleshooting onsite issues, helping your team more easily sell, presenting your company professionally, or helping your bottomline—there are industry-specific tools that can help! We have compiled a list of ten operational and business resource tools to help your business grow. HUNTER/FX LUMINAIRE 1. SiteRec is a powerful, free resource that helps you …
Step-by-Step: How To Troubleshoot with a Multimeter
Winter is coming to an end and spring will be here in no time. Now is the time to prepare for the irrigation start-up season! As with every season, there may be some tasks you need to check off your list before fully being 100% ready to go. As your business returns to work, you may come across a few …
5 Tips to Elevate Your Brand’s Look and Feel
Moving forward in 2021, you want to ensure you implement a successful marketing strategy for the upcoming seasons. A key factor in ensuring your marketing strategy is successful is the look of your brand, that’s where graphic design comes into play. Having the right look to your company’s brand is critical–whether it’s for your website, social media, or any printing …