Central is always looking for new solutions to help the lawn care professional.
Here’s a way to dramatically reduce your labor for summer fertilizer and control applications: choose the 3-in-1 solution of fertilizer plus Imidacloprid + Lambda.
This product allows you to make a single visit and single application to control a wide variety of lawn pests plus in-season turf fertilizer:
- The full dose of Imidacloprid gives season long preventative control of white grubs. (an ingredient in the popular Merit insecticide.)
- Lambda Cyhalothrin controls the surface feeding insects like chinchbugs, cutworms and ants.
- Provides up to 4 weeks of surface insect control including fleas, ticks and other pests that annoy customers and their pets.
Benefits to your customer: a healthier, greener lawn PLUS control of pests.
Business Opportunity: If you want to offer an additional service to your clients to control fleas and ticks, follow this application with a bifenthrin/fertilizer product a month later for a comprehensive flea/tick control program in the prime summer months.
Central makes it easy to add revenue from another service, WITHOUT adding to your overhead. Ask us for full details and free marketing materials you can use with your clients.