Introducing Vexis® Herbicide Granular, a powerful weapon for controlling sedges and kyllingas from PBI-Gordon.
Vexis® Herbicide Granular is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that delivers excellent control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. The granular formulation reduces the potential for drift or off-target application and can be applied to wet or dry turf. Labeled for use on listed cool-season and established warm-season turfgrasses, including improved varieties of St. Augustinegrass, Vexis is sold in a 2 lb. shaker can and a 15 lb. bag.
Vexis gives turf professionals an important new tool in managing herbicide resistance. Vexis contains a proprietary new active ingredient, pyrimisulfan, which is in the sulfonanilide chemical class. It is in the Weed Science Society of America’s Group 2 and the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee B class acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors. For example, although Vexis is an ALS-inhibitor, it has exhibited activity against weeds that have developed resistance to other ALS-inhibiting herbicides such as sulfonylureas.
Remember to always read and follow the label directions, which you can find here.
Download Vexis Application FAQ’s
Vexis Controls:
Sedges, Kyllingas, and Rushes:
- Yellow nutsedge
- Purple nutsedge
- Annual sedges (including ALS-resistant sedges)
- Cockscomb kyllinga
- Green kyllinga
- False green kyllinga
- Path rush
Broadleaf Weeds:
- Buckhorn plantain
- Common chickweed
- Dollarweed (pennywort)
- False dandelion
- Florida betony
- Ground ivy
- Hairy bittercress
- Henbit
- Virginia buttonweed
Vexis is labeled for use on:
Warm-Season Turfgrasses
- Bermudagrass (common or hybrid)
- Bahiagrass
- Buffalograss
- Centipedegrass
- Kikuyugrass
- Seashore paspalum
- Augustinegrass (including improved varieties, such as floratam and bitterblue)
- Zoysiagrass
Cool-Season Turfgrasses
- Bentgrass (mowed over ½ inch)
- Fine and tall fescues
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
Golf course Use Sites
- Tees
- Fairways
- Roughs
For more information visit or contact your local Central Rep